Friday 24 December 2010

Feliz Navidad

Finally, it’s here. The days we have been looking forward to. Merry Christmas to all!
Since families are much larger here than we are used to in Europe, the Christmas dinner is usually split up into 2 or 3 sessions. The first we had yesterday at Jim & Sole’s house. We prepared a huge (11kg) turkey with all the traditional sides and quite a few drinks. Here are some pictures of a really great evening.

Don Federico

Tonight, there is another dinner at one of Sole’s aunties house.

The banking story is finally over. I received my account numbers and banking card today. So, should you want to transfer some money into my account, feel free to inquire for the banking details ;)


  1. hey tommy wann kommt hier wieder neeeeews! ;-) läufts rund mit dem bau?

  2. ruhig, ruhig... Ich wohne jetzt in Südamerika, da laufen manche Dinge etwas langsamer. ;)
    Aber es geht schon weiter. Ich hatte meinen Laptop am Strand nicht dabei ;)
