Wednesday 5 January 2011


Just before Christmas I decided that I wanted to have a little more storage room to finally unpack my last 2 suitcases of luggage.
Sole took me and my drawing to a local carpenter and we discussed what I wanted to have, dimensions and the price. Today, I could pick it up and am really happy with it. The finish is perfect and it has enough room for all the stuff that I had planned to put in.
Also, as it comes from the same shop as other furniture in Sole & Jim's house, it has the same look & feel and therefore they would be very happy to buy it off me should I leave again.

The shop looks extremely basic but the furniture they produce is really top notch. And if you can make sure that you don't pay Gringo prices, it's at about the same level as Ikea furniture in Europe. Ikea is not (yet) active in South America as far as I know, so there is only the alternative to have cheap and ugly furniture or something like the above. I think you'd agree that the option I took makes sense ;)

I also had the picture that I took from Germany to here framed this week. It looks really cool and completely out of place which makes it even better :)

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